Hussain zalpori
Bandipora, 21 Nov: Parvaaz International Trust in collaboration with Candles Garden Educational Institute Gundjahangir on Tuesday organised Naat and painting competition here at Gandjahangir village of Hajin area in Bandipora district.
Dr, Towseef Ahmad was the chief guest on the occasion,whereas Siaqa Rasheed was the guest of honour, Amjid Rizvi and Syed Ajaz Kashani was special guest.
Yawar Altaf and Yawar Ali were juries of the naat competition, whereas Saiqa Raheed was Jurey of Painting competition.
Various students from different classes of Candles Garden Educational Institute Gundjahangir participated in the competition and performed with their soothing voices and evoked applause from the audience. Best performing students were given awards and application certificates on the occasion.
Speaking on the sideline of the event, Dr Towseef appreciated the participants for their enthusiastic participation and said that such programmes have a positive impact on the social and mental development of students.
He highlighted the importance of moral values and said that inculcating moral and religious education among students helps them to lead a pious and civilized life in the society.
Addressing the participants and the audience, national calligrapher Saiqa Raheed shared her experiences and observations regarding the techniques employed by some participants in their work.
Social Activist Syed Ajaz Kashani lauded the efforts of the students for their brilliant performances.
He said that this talent of students will help them to represent state at National level.
During the occasion students participated in two different competitions, Naat and Painting, students recited Naat and enthralled the audience.
The event was started with the Naat in which 21 students participated and Seerat Shams from class 9th begged ist position, while Mehidya Parvaiz from Class 4th begged second and Nusrullah Ahmad from class 4th begged 3rd position.
And In Painting Competition around 50 students participated and among Rabi Gul class 9th received first position, while Saqib Aziz from class 9th begged 2nd position and Iffat Mehraj from class 4th begged 3rd position, respectively.
Best performing participants were appreciated with felicitation certificates and awards.
Guests also lauded on both the anchors and said that both are looking like professional anchors, and at the end of the event both anchors Shabia Bashir and Amir Mushtaq was awarded with the appreciation certificates.
Meanwhile Journalist Aadil Abdullah was also awarded with trophy and appreciation certificate on the occasion for his dedicated efforts in highlighting public greviences and for his contributions in field work in print and electronic media the journalist was awarded by Parvaaz International Trust and Candles Garden Educational Institution Gund jahangir on the occasion.
News Agency Kashmir Scroll, Kashmir News Service, Daily Gadiyal news paper, Khushal Kahsmir daily news paper, The State Tribune, The fourth one indai and Kashmir Bulletin was the media partner for this event.
Kashmir Timber Association and Tawakal Solutions and Services Pvt LTd as the official sponsors of the event
The event was concluded with vote of thanks by Principal of Candles Garden Education Institute Gundjahangir Mukhtar Ahmad he hails the work of Parvaaz International Trust also thanked the team of Parvaaz International Trust and all the respectable Guests.