As per the directions of JK Legal Services Authority (JKLSA) District Legal Services Authority Kathua today organised a one day Sensitization Programme for the Police functionaries of District Kathua, Legal Aid Lawyers, Members of Juvenile Justice Board and Child Welfare Committee Kathua at Conference hall of ADR Centre, District Court Complex Kathua.
Chairman, District Legal Services Authority Kathua (also Pr. District and Sessions Judge Kathua) Ashok Kumar Shavan was the chief guest. Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel, DLSA Kathua Puneet Kumari and Panel Advocate, DLSA Kathua Saurav Mahajan were the resource persons in the program.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Guest stressed upon all the police officials of District Kathua to perform their duties and responsibilities while dealing with MACT Cases, NDPS Cases, POCSO Cases and also in view of the latest guidelines of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
The resource person Panel Advocate, DLSA Kathua Saurav Mahajan, deliberated upon the Child rights with special reference to POCSO Victims and their Rehabilitation.
While addressing the participants, the resource person Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel, DLSA Kathua Puneet Kumari, spoke on the Legal Procedure regarding role of the Investigating Officer (IOs) in the investigation of NDPS Cases and Basic Principles of Arrest of a Person under the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) in view of the landmark Judgments of the Hon’ble Supreme Court like Priyanka Srivastva & Ors Vs State of UP 2015 Crimes(SC) 179; Arnesh Kumar Vs State of Bihar and Anr 2014, 8 SCC 273 and Lalita Kumari Vs State of UP, (2014) 2 SCC 1 and Asfak Alam Vs State of Jharkhand & Anr. Criminal Appeal No (S). 2207 of 2023 decided on 31.07.2023.
Secretary, DLSA Kathua Rekha Kapoor Nishcal, presented the Welcome address whereas Vote of thanks was presented by Reserve Inspector District Police Line Kathua Sunil Sharma.
The proceedings of the program were conducted by Panel Advocate DLSA Kathua Upasana Gupta.
The program was attended by Additional District & Sessions Judge Kathua Kusam Lata Pandita, Chief Judicial Magistrate Kathua, Swati Gupta, Munsiff JMIC Kathua Cheena Sumbria, and District Mobile Magistrate Kathua Neena Thakur, Investigating Officers (IOs), District Police Line Kathua, Members of Juvenile Justice board and Child Welfare Committee Kathua, Panel Lawyers District Legal Services Authority Kathua, staff and PLVs of District Legal Services Authority Kathua.
An interactive session was also conducted by the end of the program wherein the participants actively raised their queries which were answered by the Judicial Officers.