Haiderbeg, 24 June 2021. As part of “Swarnim Vijay Varsh” celebrations, Haiderbeg Sector under the aegis of Kilo Force received the victory flame at Haiderbeg. The valiant soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice during 1971 war were paid homage in a solemn wreath laying ceremony at War Memorial, Haiderbeg. The soldiers of this Sector drew inspiration from the sacrifice of soldiers resolving yet again to continue discharging onerous task with full commitment, while also expressing gratitude to the contributions of our War Veterans and Veer Naris. After two days of events, the victory flame was passed to Headquarter 7 Sector Rashtriya Rifles for its onward journey. The complete event was conducted abiding to strict COVID-19 protocols.
Last Date for declaring Exotic animals listed under Schedule IV of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 is 28 August 2024
The registration of these exotic animal species is to be done in the PARIVESH 2.0 portal The ministry had notified...
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