Jammu, 20 January, 2020*: After a promising performance against prominent political parties in the recent DDC elections, Jammu & Kashmir Nationalist’s People Front is marching ahead to contribute more constructively to the state.The members of the party, inspired by The Art of Living and blessings of global spiritual leader, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, organized an important confluence of the prominent Muftis, Maulavis and Khatibs here today at Gujjar Charitable Trust hall Channi Himmat Bye Pass Jammu.“We all have the responsibility of bringing peace to every nook and corner of the world,” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, “Unless every member of our global family is peaceful, our peace is incomplete.”
The conference was inaugurated by the Shri Manoj Sinha, Lt. Governor, J&K, Chief Guest and the Keynote Speaker.
“While we have controlled radicalization with all of your collective efforts, it still needs attention because of the pace at which it is spreading with the help of technology,” Shri Manoj Sinha said, “It will be a mistake to associate it with a community. If we look at it like drug addiction then we can follow the right direction, in my opinion.”
He further said, “This program has been organized in view of national integrity, to bring collective energies of the citizens together, to self-introspect and to take citizens in the right direction, and I appreciate this effort.” Mr Sinha also mentioned the need for messages from prominent figures like Abdul Salam, Maqbool Shervani, Salim Malik, Israr Ahmed to be included in chapters of peace and harmony in school and Madrasas. He also shared the widely acknowledged example of Tamil Nadu, where significant courses on deradicalization were introduced with a focus on counseling and making children understand the true meaning of Islam..
In his address he thanked all the religious leaders and scholars. He said that this conference and the discussions with eminent scholars will lead to national integration and positivity among the people. He mentioned that if we trace the history of radicalisation it has its footprints somewhere else and it was being promoted forming groups and through social media . Through the joint efforts of people a lot of control has been exercised on it but the attempts towards radicalisation are rapidly increasing using the technology. So this issue requires a lot of attention. Radicalisation should not be connected with one community rather the correct way to see it is connecting with drug addiction. He requested all the religious scholars present there to talk about religious harmony and insisted on the importance of keeping a check on what kind of speeches and videos are the youth exposed to . He also quoted the example of Telangana where a project on de radicalisation was executed and youth were counselled towards a humanitarian approach and making them understand the real meaning of Islam by the moulvis. muftis and community elders The success of the Telangana counter radicalisation project echoed internationally as well. He mentioned that it is a joint responsibility of the administrators ,religious leaders , civil society and families to guide the youth towards the right path. He also talked about the role of Sufi Saints .
“The voice for peace has risen from this platform and we want to send this message to all of Kashmir, across the border and this world that we are brothers and we will coexist peacefully like this together,” said Sheikh Mujjaffar, President, Jammu and Kashmir Nationalist People’s Front.
The conference on Deradicalization, opened with addresses by Mufti Ajaz Sahib, Mufti Noorani, Mufti Muzafar and Mr Nazir Ahmad Soibug Badgaum.
Mufti Muzaffar mentioned about the history of human beings that they all have taken birth from Hazrat Adam and Mother Hawa. If a person understands this fact he
will never become a terrorist . He also added that the religion Islam is known by three names Islam, Iman and Ehsaan. He said that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him ) defined moumin is one withwhom every being feels protected . He also spoke about how the doors of Sufi shrines are open foe everyone irrespective of religion. He said is the duty of everyone
present there to convey the message of love and peace through Islam.
“A Momin (believer of Allah/Islam) is one who understands the real essence of Islam. Once we have understood what it means to be a true Momin, that then we will also know that ours is a religion of peace because our basic Taleem (education) is of Aman (peace),” said Mufti noorani, “(Imaan and Ehsaan) to do good to others and be honest, can also happen only in peace. Momin is one in whose presence everyone feels safe, irrespective of their religion.”
The topic of the post lunch session was titled ‘Duties of Muslims towards country as per Quranic verses.’ The Shahi Imam of Jammu and Mufti Anayat_Ulla Quadmi gave their address on the topic followed by Mufti Lal u din and Mufti Nazir Quadmi.
Several Kashmiri pundits were also in attendance. The religious leaders spoke on the unfortunate exodus and the need to move ahead together and bridge trust deficit.
Youth leaders of Jammu also joined in the conference. The discussion included the measures to bridge the divide in Jammu region and the Kashmir Valley.
Shri Sanjay Kumar, a social activist and program director ( J&K) of Art of Living addressed the gathering as the guest of Honor. Concluding address was given by J&K NP ( Jammu & Kashmir Nationalist People’s Front.
The other prominent names of the participants of the conference were,
Molana Kousar Jafri, Mufti Molana Aajaz Sahib,Molvi Muzaffar Sahib, Mufti Shakeel Sahib,Mufti Shair u Din Sahib,Mufti Mustufa Raza Quadri,
Mufti Quazi Abdul Rahman, Mufti Molana Farooq, Molana Hafiz Mubasher, Molana kari Shabir Owasi, Mufti Farooq Hussain, Mufti Dr. Ibraheem sahb,
Molana Mufti Aslam sahb, Syed Mufti Basharat Sahb, Molana Aliyas Sakafi.