_Influential political figures & activists from Kupwara & Baramulla districts rally behind PC_
*Srinagar, April 18:* J&K Peoples Conference, under the dynamic leadership of Party President Sajad Lone, experienced a monumental surge in support as hundreds of influential socio-political activists & dozens of families from various areas of Kupwara & Baramulla districts pledged allegiance to the party.
The prominent leaders besides party President present at these crucial joining ceremonies included Party Vice President Abdul Gani Vakeel, Senior Leader and former MLA Adv. Bashir Ahmad Dar, VC DDC Kupwara Haji Farooq, State Secretary Farooq Chi Chi, Abdul Ahad Kashmiri, Constituency Incharge Sheikh Ashiq Hussain, among others.
Lone extended a warm welcome to all the new members, attributing the ongoing surge in memberships to the triumph of public consensus over divisive political strategies.
“These joinings signify a voluntary commitment from individuals across various backgrounds, united in their pursuit of positive change in J&K. Their decision reflects an endorsement of Peoples Conference’s vision and strategy to steer the region away from developmental stagnation towards economic prosperity and a dignified existence,” he said.
In the first joining event, multitude of renowned socio-political activists belonging to diverse ideologies from Machil area were given a warm welcome into the party, among whom the notables included former BDC Machil Ghulam Rasool, Block President Mohammad Jamal Shiekh, former ZEO Ghulam Ahmad Lone, former Sarpanches Ghulam Nabi Khan, Bashir Ahmad Bhat, Ghulam Rasool Shiekh, Abdul Rashid Khan and Habibullah Haray. Moreover, Retired Master Abdul Wahab Lone and Haji Bashir Ahmad Tantray also joined the party cadres.
In another ceremony, former Sarpanch Mohammad Qasim Bhat & Fareed Ahmad Bhat from Trathpora area of Handwara Constituency led a significant joining of over 70 families from diverse political backgrounds pledging their allegiance to JKPC.
Furthermore, many prominent individuals from Jundinambal, Rafiabad joined the party rank and file expressing their appreciation & praise for the party leadership and its ideals.
In another joining event, Saifudin Phafda from Shumryal, accompanied by scores of other prominent workers, Sarpanchs and Ward members, also aligned themselves with PC.
Lastly, many individuals from Kupwara town, belonging to various political spectrums embraced the JKPC exhibiting their dedicated support towards the party.
The newly joined members commended the party leadership for its effective roadmap & public-centric idealogy, citing it as their primary motivation for the joining. They pledged to contribute even more towards achieving the collective party objectives, which they emphasized are aligned with the best interests of the general public.