Jammu Nov 15, Vice chairman dpap GM saroori ,General Secretaries , Democratic Progressive Azad Party(DPAP) RS Chib, Jugal kishore sharma Provincial president
Ab Majeed Wani, Anita thakur , , advocate ashok sharma provincial vice president , prov gen secretaries- maheswar singh , Sobat ali , Vishal chopra Gen sec. & Print Media incharge, PR Manhas zonal President pir panchal , Gharu Ram choudary zonal president jammu zone , expressed deep anguish over fatal Bus accident at Assar DoDA NH today morning, killing over 32 and scores greviously injured
DPAP activists and leadership demanded high level judicial enquiry into the accident to fix the responsibilty for such road accident and recommend remedial measures to prevent further death on roads in hilly areas.
Dpap Leaders said that road accidents on DODA Bhaderwah Kishtwar on NH 44 has become regular feature for media to report,but responsible Traffic and Road management Authorities are behaving like Ostrich to see human dying on roads
DPAP has further urged upon PRIME MINISTER NARINDER MODI & HOME MINISTER AMIT SHAH & CENTRAL GOVT. to Sanction Ex Gratia relief of 5 Lakh Rupees to Next kin of the Deceased and one lac to injured persons.
Dpap leaders Also visit Govt.Medical hospital jammu to look condition of patients , They further convayed condolences to the aggrieved families and prayed for eternal peace to the departed noble souls