SAMBA, OCTOBER 31: District Legal Services Authority Samba on Tuesday organised a series of events/programmes highlighting the positive changes in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir as a part of the observance of UT Foundation Day.
The day was observed as per the directions of JK Legal Services Authority (JKLSA) & under the directions and overall supervision of Yesh Pal Kotwal, Worthy Chairman, District Legal Services Authority Samba (Principal District and Sessions Judge Samba) and Rekha Kapoor Nischal, Secretary.
The day began with a cleanliness drive at District Court Complex and ADR Centre, in collaboration with Municipal Council Samba, reflecting a remarkable display of community commitment to a cleaner and more sustainable future.
Thereafter, a free medical camp was also organized by DLSA, Samba in collaboration with the Department of Health at District Court Complex . A team of Medical Officers comprising Dr. Akansha Mehra, Dr. Raghavi Mahajan and Jasbir Singh attended the camp and the event was enriched by the presence of Yesh Pal Kotwal, Principal District & Sessions Judge, Samba, Adnan Syed, Addl. District & Sessions Judge, Samba, Preet Simran K. Grover, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Samba and other Judicial Officers of District Court Complex S, Members of Bar Association Samba, Staff members of District Court Complex Samba and DLSA Samba, PLVs of DLSA Samba and also by the litigants. The medical team conducted 102 OPDs which included BP Checkup and Blood Sugar tests (18 patients of Respiratory Tract infection, 14 patients of Hypertension, 4 patients of Neck pain, 12 patients of Arthralgia, 2 patients of irritable bowel syndrome, 29 patients of Acid peptic disease, 21 patients of Anemia, 14 patients of Hypertension and 6 patients of Diabetes Mellitus.
Besides this, the DLSA Samba also organized a seminar at Dogra Law College on the topic Positive Changes in Jammu & Kashmir due to shifting of its status from State to UT and also the positive developments in the UT of J&K.
Tania Pargal, Panel Advocate, DLSA, Samba was the main resource person in the seminar who highlighted the positive changes like administrative growth, economic and structural growth witnessed in the UT of J&K since 2019 and also the need to abrogate Article 370 and 35 A of Constitution of India in the year 2019.
In addition to this, painting competitions, Pledge taking ceremonies and awareness programmes were also conducted by DLSA, Samba in collaboration with the Department of Education.