KATHUA, OCTOBER 16: As per the directions of JK Legal Services Authority (JKLSA) & in compliance to the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, District Legal Services Authority Kathua organised One day Sensitization Programme on the topic “Sexual Harassment of women at work place(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, under the supervision and direction of Chairman, DLSA Kathua Ashok Kumar Shavan, (also Principal District and Sessions Judge Kathua), here at Conference Hall, ADR Centre, District Court Complex Kathua.
The programme was orgaised for female staff of all the Courts from District Court Complex Kathua as well as female staff from Department of Social Welfare Kathua, Integrated Child Protection Scheme (Mission Vatsalya) Kathua, Integrated Child Development Scheme (POSHAN) Kathua, One Stop Centre Kathua, Special Cell for Women Kathua and female staff & PLVs of DLSA Kathua.
Chairman DLSA Kathua, Ashok Kumar Shavan, who was the Chief Guest where as Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel, DLSA Kathua Puneet Kumari, was the resource person.
In his special address the Chief Guest said that Sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of gender discrimination that violates a woman’s fundamental right to equality and right to life and liberty, guaranteed under Articles 14, 15 and 21 Constitution of India.
He further said that women are the glory of our nation and it is our duty to create such atmosphere wherein the female staff can feel safe and protected under law.
Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel, DLSA Kathua Puneet Kumari, in her address deliberated upon the theme of today’s program in depth i.e what is the concept of Sexual Harassment, What are the myths around Sexual Harassment, different types of Sexual Harassment, the guidelines of the Supreme Court of India, the main features of “Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act, 2013, & also redressal mechanism in case of woman who has subjected to some form of sexual harassment at work place decides to file a complaint.
Secretary, DLSA Kathua Rekha Kapoor Nischal, in her address gave an overview of the programme whereas Vote of thanks was presented by Upasana Gupta, Panel Advocate, DLSA Kathua.
The objective of organizing this sensitization programme was to make aware the participants as to how this programme can help them to come out and report any misconduct in the work place to ensure safety in the work environment.