To witness change means starting a process to go beyond where we conjure to be or stand. To be strong enough to step out of unchanging comfort. Every day, thousands of 10 to 15 time-old scholars walk through the doors of their middle seminars with expectation and great expedients for their future. Some will fall into leadership positions, but a commodity so important shouldn’t be left to chance- or to the many. It’s apparent that youthful people have a desire to play a part in nation- structure. Youth are the most important and dynamic member of the population in any region. It’s believed that developing countries with large youth population could see tremendous growth, handed they invest in people’s education, health cover and guarantee their rights. We can really say that moment’s youthful generation will be hereafter’s originators, generators, builders and leaders. But they need the required support in terms of good health, education, training and openings to transfigure the future. The profitable detector happens when a country’s more hands to work available than mouths to feed. To put it shortly, working age population has to be large than the dependent population.
Today, Jammu and Kashmir are one of the youthful unions of the country with further than 62% of its population in the working age group and further than 54% of its total population below 25 years of age. The youth of today’s Jammu and Kashmir is decreasingly getting restless and floundering to remove the difference. Still, further sweats need to be put in, if we’re to come free from the vicious cycles of poverty, malnutrition, corruption, violence and severance. People get emotionally attached to the history. With the once flying by, too numerous people have lost their balance and are defying the future. Nothing likes to change. There will always be resistance to change and there always will be change. Learn to acclimatize. Effects change, circumstances change. In order to bring the change, metamorphosis in terms of society and culture is necessary.
Culture is hard to change, so you do intermediate far and wide as you can. But you must be strategic about how you intermediate first. Small, quick, attainable paths are important to start the instigation and make confidence in the process and in leadership’s commitment to real results. Long- term, you must address the mindsets that lead to the actions that produce the systems.
People feel as if everything is dire and hopeless in the world today, so numerous people are wedged doing nothing. The biggest problem we face is examining social problems in a larger than life manner. To feel hopeless comes out from looking at too big of a picture. It’s insolvable to change the big picture all at once. To suppose in terms of “everything” is to lock you down to inactivity. It’s time to change our social perspective, help align each person with what they can socially touch and act against. The first step to perfecting society is particular growth; just growing in your own life. The seven- step process is kindness, on judgment, mindfulness, grace, work with mortal nature, not against it and modesty.
The youth of Kashmir have been amongst the most affected lot since Pakistan patronized bellicosity in late 1980s.The valley has seen a lot of worried times due to the constant provocation and instigation from across the border. Still, Kashmir moment has seen a paradigm shift from the path of violence as further and further youths are realizing the futileness of the path of wrathfulness and are joining mainstream society. A lot of measures are being taken these days by the govt to win over the youth and to project a mortal face of the forces with the communication ‘you are our own’. Engaging the youths in varied conditioning is the way forward. Sports, handicraft, tourism, culture, photography and reclamation rallies are many fields where the youths are being engaged.
These days, the youth of Kashmir are trying hard to catch every occasion thrown at them to lead a purposeful, successful and peaceful life.
The govt needs to live up to their dreams and come up with multi-pronged strategy for youth engagement. However, they can be changed again with our nonstop and devoted sweats; the descent into violence is sluggishly but steadily being reversed towards peace and substance, if minds can be changed formerly.