In continuation with the various steps to counter the pendamic, stop the surge in number of COVID case and to spread awareness among the locals *patrolling party of Zalurah COB* undertook a COVID awareness drive in order to prevent spread of the virus and give assistance in terms of providing medical kits and health check-ups. This drive also aimed to info the local populace about the *Two Emergency COVID Response Team* of Sopore Rashtriya Rifles each at Pazalpura and Sopore Town. Local AWAM were made aware about the team which will be readily available in Pazalpura and Sopore Town to extend the helping hands to the needy in this pandemic crisis.
The troops relentlessly moved from door to door asking about the wellbeing and giving basic medical aid incl masks to the destitute. The team also made the locals aware about new symptoms and ways to prevent the spread of the virus. Temp of the locals populace were checked, medicines were distributed and were also guided on how to keep their families safe by sanitizing regularly and maintaining social distance. A total of 63 locals were provided med assistance.
The locals appreciated the voluntary effort made by the soldiers. In addition, the medical facilities and awareness campaign spread a positive message of harmony in the environment.