In a first, Government has decided to shun the requirement of physical movement of fileslrecords from Jammu to Srinagar and vice versa.
“it has been decided to completely switch over to office by 15 of April, 2021. To ensure its timely implementation all recordslfiles of various Government Departments have been digitized except some filesl records which are sensitive/confidentlal in nature and requires to
be carried to Srinagar.”
While finalizing Darbar Move arrangements, it has been decided that only ten trucks shall be arranged for shifting such sensitive recordslfiles to Srinagar.
Accordingly, it is impressed upon all the Administrative Secretaries to compile a list of such confidential/sensitive fileslrecords,
including files/records of respective Subordinate move offices, which have not been xanned and require to be carried to Srinagar.
The quantum of such files be provided by all the departments to the General Administration Department by 15 April, 2021 for approval.
Further, arrangements shall also be put in place by all the Administrative Secretaries in the Civil Secretariat. Jammu. for maintaining and retrieval of files/records by retaining some
manpowerlrecord keepers from each Department at Jammu.
The Director Estates shall ensure the proper upkeep and safeguard of fileslrecords to be kept at Jammu with proper anti rodenttanti termite measures